
The History of Pirates

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 07/06/2023

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Pirates existed since ancient times that could be dated back to more than 3,000 years ago. The Greek philosopher Plutarch gave the oldest definition of piracy in about 100AD. He defined pirates as those who attack not only ships illegally, but also maritime cities. During the Middle Ages, there were a great deal of pirates in the Mediterranean. Pirates in North Africa flourished even sailing into the Atlantic in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Pirates were not only limited to strong men, but many pirates were women. Two of the most notorious female pirates were Anne Bonny and Mary Read. On the other hand, Ching Shih might be the most legendary female Chinese pirate. She could command a fleet of pirate ships.

Piracy continued in China and Southeast Asia through the 19th and 20th centuries. In the early 21st century, many pirates operated from Somalia. In 2008, they stole a Ukrainian ship carrying 33 tanks. They also hijacked an oil tanker.


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Cool Words


a person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal from them


connected with human activity at sea


famous for something bad


an order, especially one given by a soldier


to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence




關鍵字詞: 海盜 |地中海 |沿海城市 |中世紀 |希臘 | |戰爭