
The Joy and Hope Easter Brings

作者: 香港教育城 最後更新: 14/03/2024

Easter is a special time for Christians when they celebrate the rebirth story of Jesus who has showed us how love and goodness can conquer anything. For non-Christians, it is a holiday time to spend with family and friends.

Eggs and rabbits are commonly associated with Easter. Have you ever wondered why? Eggs, beautiful flowers, and bunnies are symbols representing rebirth and new life. They have a long history and come from ancient celebrations that honoured the renewal of life, growth, and happiness after winter. People also have a tradition of painting chicken eggs with vibrant colours to signify the vivid and bountiful season that follows. Nowadays, chocolate eggs have also become popular treats!

Easter egg traditions differ all around the world, giving us a peek into diverse cultures and traditions. Some decorate eggs with attractive patterns, while others enjoy searching for hidden eggs or racing with them. In Hong Kong, like many other places, we also have the joy of searching for colourful eggs and enjoying yummy treats during Easter.


Cool Words


to deal with or successfully fight against a problem or an unreasonable fear


to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else


a sign, shape, or object that is used to represent something else


energetic, bright, and full of life or excitement


including many different types of people or things


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關鍵字詞: 復活節 |雞蛋 |兔子 |傳統 |善良 |重生