
復活蛋 Easter Eggs

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 05/04/2017

There were 6 Easter eggs on the dining table. 'Yummy eggs!' Monster was drooling over the colourful eggs.'How nice! There are no more eggs in the kitchen…' Uncle Ben felt lucky to find the eggs and took 2 away.'Oh who left the poor chicks here? I'll take care of them…' Robin felt sorry for the remaining 2 eggs.'WHAT? WHERE ARE MY EASTER EGGS?' Rabbit was so annoyed to see the empty plate on the table.Monster, Uncle Ben and Robin were alarmed by Robbit's screaming.The three egg thieves were forced to stay up and make new Easter eggs again. 'Colour them all tonight! Happy Easter!' Rabbit was finally satisfied and smiled again.

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


Easter is an important festival. Origin of the holiday comes from Christianity, which is to remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death on the third day of his burial.

Easter is a moveable feast, which means that it is not a fixed date on the modern calendar. It is not only a religious practice now, but also widely celebrated in Western culture. People give special eggs to children during Easter, because eggs are symbols of rebirth of the earth in celebrations of spring.


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. Christianity
a religion based on belief in God and the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and on the Bible
2. resurrection
return to life, or the process of starting to exist again after not existing for a long period
3. burial
an occasion when a dead body is put into the ground
4. feast
a day on which a religious event or person is remembered and celebrated


關鍵字詞: Easter |festival |egg |reborn |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |節日 |復活 |


