Listening Is an Act of Love

People will feel that their lives matter if we take time to listen to their stories.
  • 1So what were you like as a kid?
  • 2I remember when I was just a few years older than you,...
  •'re great grandpa Abe and your great grandma Rose and her sisters...
  • 4...came over to our apartment for Thanksgiving.
  • 5After dinner, I found this tape recorder lying around...
  • 6...and somehow I got the idea to interview them.
  • 7A few years later, your great grandpa and your great grandma...
  • 8...and all her sisters passed away...
  • 9...but I remembered I'd made that tape.
  • 10So I went looking for it but I couldn't find it.
  • 11I don't get it, why do you keep looking for it?
  • 12You know, doing that recording really taught me something.
  • 13You can find the most amazing stories from regular people.
  • 14All you have to do is ask them about their lives and listen.
  • 15We can learn so much about the people all around us,...
  • 16...even about the people you already know...
  • 17...just by taking the time to have a conversation.
  • 18And if you pay just a little attention, you'll find wisdom and poetry in their words.
  • 19Most people love to be listened to because it tells them how much their lives matter.
  • 20When you're curious, treat people with respect...
  • 21...and have just a little courage to ask the important questions.
  • 22Great things are gonna happen