

作者: 香港教育大學課程與教學學系助理教授 楊蘭博士、高級研究員 Purvi Anand Vyas女士、研究員 吳奕岐先生、研究員 程立红女士
最後更新: 19/03/2020


特殊教育需要研討會2019系列 / SEN Theatre 2019 Series


講題 / Topic


Self and Career Planning: A Multi-faceted Review from a Cross-cultural Perspective with Practical Effective Strategies and Recommendations Highlighted


講者 / Speakers


助理教授 楊蘭博士 
高級研究員 Purvi Anand Vyas女士 
研究員 程立红女士
研究員 吳奕岐先生

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong

Assistant Professor Dr Yang Lan
Senior Research Assistant Mrs Purvi Anand Vyas
Research Assistant Ms Cheng Li-hong
Research Assistant Mr Wu Yi-qi


講座內容 / Description

自我認識是學生職業探索中的重要組成部分,除此之外還在學生的職業規劃上也起著重要的支柱作用(香港教育局, 2014)。然而, 本土針對有特殊學習需要學生的自我認識與職業探索及規劃之間關係的研究卻並不多。在本次匯報中,研究組基於對美國、中國以及日本三個地方相關的文獻分析,總結出有實證依據的有效策略和建議。應用在香港的融合教育上,可以為學校,老師和家長在他們幫助有特殊教育需要學生提升積極的自我認識(對自身能力與興趣的認知)從而促進順利的畢業後轉銜(就學或就業)的過程中提供幫助。

Students’ self-understanding has been highlighted as a fundamental component of career and life planning of students aside from career exploration and management (EDB, 2014). However, considerably less studies on SEN students' self-understanding and its association with post-school transition have been conducted in Hong Kong. From a cross-cultural perspective, the research team explored empirical advances in examining self-understanding (self-beliefs of abilities and interests) of young people with disabilities and post-school transition outcomes in USA, China and Japan. Good practices of promoting SEN students’ positive self-beliefs and transition outcomes will be introduced for schools, teachers and parents’ consideration in their practices to enhance SEN students’ positive self-beliefs and facilitate smooth post-school transition.


講座重溫 / Video Review


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