

作者: 香港教育大學 楊蘭博士、冼權鋒教授、高鳳展先生
最後更新: 14/03/2017








  • 課程與教學學系助理教授 楊蘭博士
  • 特殊教育與輔導學系教授 冼權鋒教授
  • 特殊學習需要與融合教育中心高級研究助理 高鳳展先生



Career guidance and life planning education in schooling plays a salient role in cultivating students’ self-understanding and development, career exploration, and career planning and management (i.e., three components of life planning processes). However systematic research on implementation and effectiveness of career planning education in the Hong Kong context is heavily lacking. To facilitate these processes to cater for career development needs of students with and without special educational needs, in a recent Policy Address made in January 2014, Hong Kong government announced policy and financial support to life planning education and career guidance services to public schools operating classes at senior secondary levels.

In the present presentation, the research team introduced our important research findings of a completed research project on testing post school outcomes of students with special educational needs and preliminary findings of an on-going research project on examining current impact of career planning education on career development of students with and without special educational needs in inclusive education of Hong Kong.

Results of the two projects enrich educators’ and researchers’ and policy makers’ understanding of SEN students’ characteristics of the three components of life planning processes (with a comparative group of non-SEN students). Practical implications for educational designs of productive career guidance and lifelong planning programs for supporting SEN students’ career development and lifelong learning needs are discussed in light of Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT).




