
Innovative Teacher Award 2022
Registration and Work Submission

  1. 以香港教育城(教城)校長、教師或學校戶口管理員帳戶登入及填妥表格。
    Log in with EdCity Principal, Teacher or School Admin account to complete the forms.
  2. 請填寫以下表格完成報名程序:
    To complete the application, please fill in the following forms:
    1. 表格一:初步報名(組別及基本資料)
      Form 1 – Preliminary registration (Division and basic information)
    2. 表格二:遞交參加者資料及作品(包括提名表格、指定範本的PowerPoint檔案、影片及其他補充文件等)
      Form 2 – Submission of entrants' information and work (Including nomination forms, PowerPoint file, video & other supplementary documents)
  3. 您可首先遞交表格一,惟請於報名截止日期(2022年10月3日下午6時正)前遞交表格二,方為有效及完整的報名。
    You may submit Form 1 in advance, and Form 2 before deadline (6pm, 3 October 2022) for a valid and complete application.
  4. 成功遞交表格一後,參加者可優先獲得創新教師獎相關資訊,並參與一系列分享會。
    Entrants who submit Form 1 successfully will receive timely news updates on Innovative Teacher Award 2022 and the chance of participating in a series of sharings.
  5. 如有查詢,歡迎致電2624 1000 或電郵至 與教城聯絡。
    For enquiry, please contact us at 2624 1000 or


The application deadline is over. Thank you!