金錢管理大挑戰 – 才德兼備理財動畫劇本創作
Money Management Challenge – Wealth by Virtue Animation Script
第二部分 - 遞交作品
Part B - Submission of Work(s)
  1. 此報名表格分為兩部分:
    This registration form consists of 2 parts:
    1. 報名參加比賽(2021年4月1日至6月30日)
      Registration for Competition (From 1 April to 30 June 2021)
    2. 遞交作品(2021年7月1日至10月15日)
      Submission of work(s) (From 1 July to 15 October 2021)
  2. 以香港教育城(教城)教師或學校管理員帳戶登入及填妥表格,並核對資料無誤。
    Log in with HKEdCity Teacher or School Admin account to complete the form.
  3. 成功報名參加比賽後,請於2021年7月1日開始再次登入此表格遞交劇本創作。
    Please log in this form again from 1 July 2021 to submit your script after successful registration for the competition.
  4. 學生可以個人形式或二人一組(兩人須屬於同一組別)形式參加比賽。請按學生於2020/21 學年就讀的年級報名及選擇所屬組別。
    Students can join the competition individually or by forming a team of 2 students in the same division. Please register and select the division according to students’ class level in the 2020/21 school year.
  5. 每所學校參賽人數並無上限,但每所學校最多可推薦和提交每組別兩份作品以競逐「學生獎項」。
    There is no upper limit on the number of participants form each school, but each school can only nominate and submit a maximum of 2 entries for each division to compete for the “Awards for Students”.
  6. 最多學生參與比賽的三間學校將獲得「學校踴躍參與獎」。
    The top 3 schools with the largest number of student participants will be awarded the “School Participation Award”.
  7. 如有查詢,歡迎致電2624 1000 或電郵至 info@edcity.hk 與教城聯絡。
    For enquiry, please contact us at 2624 1000 or info@edcity.hk.


報名開始日期: 2021-07-01
報名截止日期: 2021-10-18