Creative Micro-Animation Competition: My Future-ready Learning Spaces
  1. 遞交「微動畫創作比賽:成就『我的未來」教室』的作品及作品簡介。(2020年9月28日至11月16日下午6時正)
    Submission of Work(s) and Product description for "Creative Micro-Animation Competition: My Future-ready Learning Spaces" (From 28 Sep to 6:00 PM, 16 November 2020)
  2. 以香港教育城(教城)教師、學生或學校管理人帳戶登入及填妥表格,並核對資料無誤。
    Please log in with HKEdCity teacher, student or school administrator account to complete the form.
  3. 每間學校參賽的學生數目不限,每位學生只限遞交一份作品。
    There is no limit on the number of participating students for each school, each participating student can only submit one work.
  4. 如有查詢,歡迎致電2624 1000或電郵至 info@hkedcity.net 與我們聯絡。
    For enquiries, please contact us at 2624 1000 or info@hkedcity.net.


報名開始日期: 2020-09-28
報名截止日期: 2021-03-12