
What should I eat for lunch?

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 07/02/2023

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Coming from a dual income family, my parents don’t have time to prepare lunchbox for me. I need to think about what to eat for lunch daily. According to the Centre for Health Protection, teenagers should intake at least 3 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruits, 4-6 taels of proteins, 2 servings of milk product and 4-6 bowls of grains. Based on this standard, the lunch set from cha chaan teng is not a healthy option because it has no fibre and contains too much saturated fat. Fast food contains too much oil and salt. Snacks from tuck shops are mainly processed food which could be harmful to our body if we eat them often. Thus, the most effective way to maintain a balanced diet is preparing lunchbox by yourselves.



Find 7 differences between these two food trays.


Cool Words


having two parts, or having two of something



a level of quality, especially a level that is acceptable


Saturated fat

a fat found in meat, milk, and eggs, which is thought to be bad for your health



to add chemicals to a substance, especially food, in order to change it or make it last longer



to make a situation or activity continue in the same way



關鍵字詞: lunch |lunchbox |diet |healthy |food |nutrition