
How to fly a kite?

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 06/09/2022

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Growing up in a big city, I believe that many of you have never flown a kite because Hong Kong does not have much wide-open space. Here are some tips for you:

How to fly a kite?

  1. To launch a kite, you should slightly run into the wind and let it catch the kite.
  2. Let the line out so that the wind can lift up the kite.
  3. Once the kite is up to sky, hold the line to make sure it is not slack or too tight.

It sounds easy, but it requires good coordination and observation. You might need to practise a couple of times before successfully flying a kite. 


Work out what the paraglider is saying. Use the code on the kites below to help you.

Cool Words


to send a spacecraft or bomb into the sky, or a ship into the water

lift up

to put something or someone in a higher position


loose or not tight


the ability to make different parts of your body move together in a controlled way


the act of watching someone or something carefully



關鍵字詞: kite |sport |activities |leisure |paragliding