
Bike more, drive less

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 07/07/2022

Graphic provided by BPA

With an estimate of over 3 billion metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions produced by vehicles yearly, the global average temperature has raised by about 1 degree Celsius in the past decade. For the sake of sustainable development, most of the western countries started encouraging people to bike more and drive less. In Taiwan, China and Korea, there are public bicycles for rent. In comparison, Hong Kong is falling behind. Biking is considered as a leisure activity rather than a transportation tool. We also lack facilities such as cycle tracks and bike parking sites in town. As a bicycle-unfriendly city, what measures should the government implement in order to reduce greenhouse gases emissions?


What is Nina and Jim’s dad saying? Move each red word into the correct place.


Cool Words


the act of sending gas, heat, light, etc. out into the air, or an amount of gas, heat, light, etc that is sent out



to not have something, or not have enough of something



to not have something, or not have enough of something



a way of achieving something or dealing with a situation



to make a law, system, plan, etc start to happen or operate




關鍵字詞: bike |carbon |dioxide |emission |global |temperature |vehicle |bicycle |cycling |transport