
Whale of a friend

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 07/01/2019

Puzzle provided by Highlights 

It is not an uncommon scene that a flock of marine birds follows the whale around. Have you ever wondered why these two species are often observed together?

In fact, marine birds are taking advantage of whale’s habit of feeding. The whales use their blowholes to send lots of fish upwards to the surface of the water and then rise to feast on the fish. Meanwhile, seabirds are trying to grab the fish that are left on the sea surface. Both are fed and that is why they are happy to stay together!

(A ‘whale of a friend’ is a very kind, caring and understanding friend. You’d be blessed if you have one!)


Can you find the objects hidden in the big picture? 

Cool Words


a group of sheep, goats or birds


to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something

take advantage of someone

to use someone's weakness to improve your situation

feast on sth

to eat a lot of good food and enjoy it very much

