
嘔 Throw Up

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 06/12/2016

'I love speed!' Uncle Ben said when he was driving in his car with Alice, Robo, Robin and Rabbit.'Don't drive so fast! I feel dizzy.' Alice said in a weak voice and looked sick.'I think Alice is going to throw up.' Robo said worriedly.'Why do you want to throw Alice out of the car?' Robin said to Robo disapprovingly.'Stop, Robin! Throw up means to vomit!' Rabbit tried to explain.'Oh no, Alice...' Uncle Ben said when Alice couldn't stop herself from throwing up.

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


Throw up is a phrasal verb. It doesn’t mean throwing things away or throwing things out of your house. It means vomiting. If people have seasickness or carsickness, they would throw up easily when they are taking a boat trip or riding in a car.


1. Don't eat too much! You would throw up in the end.

2. He threw up after drinking two glasses of wine.

3. She never takes the boat. She would throw up easily.


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. throw
to make something move through the air by pushing it out of your hand
2. vomit
If someone vomits, the food or liquid that was in their stomach comes up and out of their mouth
3. seasick
vomiting or having the feeling you will vomit because of the movement of the ship you are travelling in


關鍵字詞: phrasal verb |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |嘔吐