
似曾相識 Déjà vu

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 01/11/2016

'Take a look at my new car!' Uncle Ben said proudly to Robin, Alice and Robo. 'Wow!' They all exclaimed.'Oh, I feel that I have seen it before.' Robo looked puzzled.'What? Impossible! It is my own design!' Uncle Ben argued.'Robo, you have the super power of seeing the future?' Roblin asked Robo.'No, I don't' Robo replied. 'I think it is an experience of déjà vu' Alice suggested.'Déjà vu?' Uncle Ben, Robin and Robo asked curiously.

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


"Déjà vu" is a French phrase meaning "already seen". It refers to the experience of feeling familiar with a situation or something which actually has not happened or appeared before.

Many people have this feeling at least once in their lifetime. However, scientists still cannot explain the reason of this "déjà vu" experience. It is often said that this is a feeling related to what we have encountered in dreams.


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. déjà vu
a feeling that you have already experienced exactly what is happening now
2. familiar
to know about something or have experienced it many times before
3. lifetime
the period of time that someone is alive
4. encounter
to meet someone or something, especially when you do not expect it


關鍵字詞: déjà vu |vocabulary |English 英語 |French 法語 |漫畫

