
攰死人 Poop Out

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 02/08/2016

Uncle Ben is busy in his restaurant. 'Uncle Ben, do you want to join our party tonight?' Robin asked.'No, I poop out after a day's work.' Uncle Ben seems tired already.'What? Pop out? Like a Jack-in-the-box?' Robin is confused.'No! I mean poop out. Not pop out!' Uncle Ben said.'Poop out means get very tired...' Uncle Ben further explained.'Right, there are a lot of customers in the restaurant tonight.' Monster said. Look like Monster is poop out too.

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


'Poop out' is a phrasal verb meaning to become very tired and unable to continue working or operating. And 'pop out' means to move quickly and suddenly, especially from an enclosed space.

However, the word “poop” means solid waste. It has a different meaning from the phrasal verb of “poop out”. So use the word wisely, otherwise it may lead to big jokes!


1. I planned to go play tennis, but I pooped out and went to bed instead.

2. He pooped out after climbing up the mountain.

3. Oh this box is a jack-in-the-box! When I opened it, a funny clown popped out to my face!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. unable
not have the ability to do something or the possibility of doing something
2. operate
If a machine operates, it does what it is designed to do, and if you operate it, you make it do what it is designed to do
3. enclosed
to be all around something and separate it from other things or places
4. jack-in-the-box
a children's toy consisting of a box with a model of a person inside it that jumps out and gives you a surprise when the top of the box is raised


關鍵字詞: idioms |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |phrasal verb