
扣好安全帶 Buckle Up

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 05/04/2016

'Welcome abroad everyone. Please buckle up!' Ben said to Alice and Robo.'Buckle? My buckle?' Robo seemed confused. 'No, fasten your seat belt!' Ben explained.'But we are just going around the corner!' Robo said.'And I don't want to wrinkle my dress!' said Alice.'Buckling up can save your life!' Ben exclaimed. 'Wow! Slow down, Uncle Ben!' Robo and Alice shouted together.'Luckily we had our seat belts on!' said both Robo and Alice. 'Hahaha…' Ben laughed happily.

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


"Buckle up" is a phrase meaning to use a safety belt, especially in a vehicle.

Do you know? About 50 percent of the people who died in motor vehicle crashes every year could be saved if they wore their seat belts. If the driver and passengers in a car use seat belts, the number of serious injuries in traffic accidents can be reduced by 60-70 percent. It is not only protecting yourself. If you don’t wear a seat belt, you may be thrown out of the seat and hurt other passengers.

Seat belts should be fastened whenever you are on a running vehicle. You could get hurt even when the car is traveling at a speed as low as 40 km/h. Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt every time when you are in a car. It can save your life!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. vehicle
a ​machine, usually with ​wheels and an ​engine, used for ​transporting ​people or ​goods on ​land, ​especially on ​roads
2. injury
physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack
3. fasten
to (cause something to) become firmly fixed together, or in position, or closed


關鍵字詞: seat belt |road safety |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫