
屏息靜氣 Hold Your Breath

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 05/01/2016

Rabbit is playing tennis.Robin is watching excitedly in the auditorium: 'Wow! If Rabbit gets this point he would win the match!'Alice: 'I am holding my breath!' Robin: 'Stop, Alice! You would die if you don't breathe!'Alice: 'No, I hold my breath because I am waiting excitedly.'Robo: 'Robin, are you holding your breath?'Robin: 'No, because the match is over. Rabbit lost!'

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


If people are holding their breath, they are waiting excitedly or anxiously for something to happen. On the other hand, if you are told not to hold your breath, it means that you shouldn't have high expectations about something. Or you say it in order to tell someone that an event is not likely to happen.



1. The lucky draw is going to start soon. Now I'm holding my breath!

2. I held my breath when the result was announced.

3. She said she would finish the task this week but don't hold your breath.


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. anxious
worried and nervous
2. expectation
the feeling of thinking or believing something will happen
3. announce
to tell people about something officially, or with force or confidence


關鍵字詞: idioms |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫

