
古著 Vintage Clothing

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 02/06/2015

Robo: 'Alice, your new dress is very beautiful.'Alice: 'Thank you. I bought it in a vintage shop.'Rabbit: 'The clothes there are old and dirty!'Alice: 'No, vintage clothes are trendy and valuable.'Robo: 'And they help protecting the environment.'Rabbit: 'I see. I will go there next time when I need to buy clothes!'

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


Making clothes and textiles uses resources, a lot of energy and water that will pollute the environment. By buying and wearing smart, we can always help save the Earth.

One of the green solutions to the problem is to wear vintage clothing. Vintage clothes are trendy and beautiful. They are usually cheaper too. You can also help by passing on your own unwanted clothes to others and keep this clothing reuse cycle going. If you still prefer buying new clothes, try to choose those that are made of natural fibres and wear them with care.


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. textile
any type of cloth that is made by weaving (= crossing threads under and over each other)
2. vintage
having all the best or most typical qualities of something, especially from the past
3. fibre
one of the thin threads that forms a substance such as cloth


關鍵字詞: clothes |environmental-friendly |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |保育


