
唔好放飛機 Don't Stand Me Up!

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 24/03/2015

(Alice looked really annoyed at a restaurant.)Uncle Ben: 'Why are you so mad, Alice?' 
Alice: 'Robin stood me up!'Monster (confused): 'What?'Uncle Ben: 'It means he dated her but he didn’t appear!'Alice: 'I HATE HIM!' 
Uncle Ben: 'I hate him too!'Robin (seemed being trapped somewhere else): 'Alice…'

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


“Stand someone up” means you have made an appointment with someone but you do not appear without telling that person you are not coming. And “being stood up” means you have shown up for an appointment with someone, but that person does not appear and you are left alone. It is impolite to stand someone up. Don’t forget to tell the person if you cannot make it for an appointment.


  1. He is sad because he got stood up by the girl he likes.
  2. I don’t think he would come. He always stands us up.
  3. Please tell me if you cannot find the time to come. Don’t stand me up!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. appointment
a time you have arranged to meet someone or go somewhere
2. alone
without other people
3. impolite
not behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding of and care for other people's feelings


關鍵字詞: politeness |idioms |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |社交禮儀

