
去森林化 Deforestation

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 19/03/2015

Robin: 'I’m moving home! My home is in danger!' 
Monster: 'What happened?'Robin: 'Deforestation! We are losing our home!' 
Monster: 'de-what?'Robo: 'Deforestation! The cutting, clearing and removal of rainforest.'Monster: 'Why? People eat rainforest now?' 
Robo: 'No. It’s the logging, mining and other human activities.'Robin: 'Plants and animals might become extinct…'Robo: 'And then this world would become too hot for anyone to live in!' 
Monster: 'Oh, I am too young to die!'

Story and comics created by CCFamily.


Deforestation refers to the cutting, clearing, and removal of rainforest or related ecosystems into less bio-diverse ecosystems such as pasture, cropland, or plantations (Kricher, 1997).

Logging (cutting down trees), mining, oil and gas extraction, cattle ranching, the planting of cash crops and other human activities that lead to the cutting of trees are causes of deforestation.

Do you know? The area of two football fields (1 hectare) of rainforest is being destroyed every second. That’s an area larger than New York City (86 thousand hectares) every day!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. ecosystem
all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment
2. ranch
very large farm on which animals are kept, especially in North and South America
3. destroy
to damage something so badly that it cannot be used


關鍵字詞: vocabulary |environmental-friendly |English 英語 |環境 |保育 |漫畫


