
Food Party in the Forest

作者: 香港教育城 最後更新: 12/04/2024

Animal friends had a food party in the forest. Before the party, they set out to find their favourite food on their own. The monkey swung from branch to branch, eagerly searching for juicy fruits. The squirrel ran along the tree trunks, quickly collecting various nuts. The parrot fluttered its wings, plucking ripe berries from the plants. The red panda skilfully climbed bamboo stalks, gathering the fresh and crunchy leaves.
After collecting their food, they placed it all in the centre of the party area. They shared their favourite food with each other, laughing, telling stories, and enjoying the delicious treats together. It didn't matter that they had different favourites because friendship is about understanding and sharing.
Their laughter echoed through the forest, and their satisfied tummies brought smiles to their faces. Their friendship and the joy of sharing would always bring them back together. They looked forward to their next party, knowing that every moment spent with their friends would be filled with laughter and love.


Cool Words


in a way that shows that you want to do or have something very much


to make a series of quick delicate movements up and down or from side to side


many different


something is firm and makes a short loud noise when it is eaten, pressed, etc.


pleased because you have got what you wanted



香港教育城的一站式專業教育網站www.edcity.hk ,結合資訊、資源、互動社群與網上學習平台及工具於一身,致力提倡學生善用電子學習資源,擁抱以學生為本的自主學習模式。

關鍵字詞: 樹林 |動物 |派對 |朋友 |分享 |快樂