
出發 Hit the Road

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 05/07/2017

'What should we do this weekend?' Monster asked. 'How about travelling together?' Robin suggested.'Great! Let's hit the road now!' Rabbit was eager to begin the journey.'Okay, let me do it!' Robo started hitting the road with a hammer.'Stop, the road is breaking!' Uncle Ben tried to make him stop.'Robo, 'hit the road' means to start a journey.' Alice explained.'Oh, sorry…' Robo finally understood. 'Haha, let's hit the road together!' Uncle Ben said. And everyone agreed.

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


"Hit the road" does not mean using a hammer to hit the road. It is an idiom, so we can't simply get the meaning by reading the words. Idioms are fixed expressions to describe something in a figurative way.

The meaning of "hit the road" is to begin a journey or to start travelling. Do you want to go for a new adventure?


  1. The weather is not very nice. Let's hit the road early.
  2. I can't find Robin. I guess he has already hit the road.
  3. I really want to go travelling. Let's hit the road together!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. idiom
a group of words used together with a meaning that you cannot guess from the meanings of the words separately
2. expression
a phrase that has a special meaning
3. figurative
a figurative meaning of a word or phrase is a more imaginative meaning developed from the usual meaning
4. adventure
an exciting and sometimes dangerous experience


關鍵字詞: journey |trip |travel |adventure |idiom |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |出發 |起行 |旅行 |旅程