
沖個快涼 Quick Shower

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 07/03/2017

'Lalaa~ 🎶 🎶 laa~' Monster was singing happily while enjoying a bubble bath.'Monster, it's been 30 minutes! I need to use the toilet!' Rabbit has been waiting outside impatiently. 'It's relaxing here! 🎶' Monster didn't care much.'You should finish your shower in 5 minutes!' Rabbit was annoyed. 'Monster, you're wasting water!!' Robo said to Monster.'5 mins? Why? We have water!' Monster was confused. 'Energy is wasted transporting and treating water!' Robo said.'Many people in the world can't even drink clean water!' Robo further explained. 'Not to mention taking a shower! I've cut your water supply!!' Rabbit couldn't stand any longer.'HELP!!! I would take quick shower and will never waste water again!' Monster has learnt the lesson finally.

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


Do you take a long shower or bath every day? You may not be aware that among all water resources worldwide, only 3% is freshwater. And 900 million people around the world don't have clean drinking water, not to mention water for shower. 

Energy is needed for transporting and treating water and carbon dioxide is produced in the process. So if we are wasting water, we are causing global warming too.

To save water, remember to turn the tap off before you use a sponge or soap to rub your body. Moreover, try not to take a bath next time. Have a shower instead. And try to do it within 5 minutes! A quick hot shower is just as relaxing as a long one, and better for the environment! Let's reduce our water footprint together!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. bath
the act of washing your body in a container that is filled with water
2. shower
the act of washing your body while standing under a flow of water
3. sponge
a soft substance full of small holes, which absorbs liquid very easily and is used for washing things


關鍵字詞: 洗澡 |沖涼 |水足印 |水資源 |氣候 |全球暖化 |環境 |vocabulary |environmental-friendly |English 英語 |漫畫