
微風/凍僵了 Breeze & Freeze

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 03/01/2017

'It's a cool and sunny day!' Robin said. He and Alice was enjoying a walk outdoor.'Yes, I like the breeze blowing on my face.' Alice agreed.Monster walked by and looked awful. 'What happens to you, Monster?' Robin asked him.'Aren't you hot wearing so many clothes?' Alice was curious.Monster looked really sick. 'I am freezing! I feel so cold.''Oh, I think you've caught a cold.' Alice looked worried.

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


Breeze means a light and pleasant wind. Sea breeze means light cool wind blowing from the sea onto the land. Breezy is the adjective, which means exposed to strong but pleasant winds.

Freeze means the temperature goes below 0°C. Freezing is the adjective, meaning extremely cold. If a person or animal freezes, it stops suddenly and becomes completely still, especially because of fear.


1. The breeze cools the hot weather.

2. It is freezing today. You should put on more clothes.

3. When the policeman took out the gun, the thief froze.


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. exposed
having no protection from bad weather
2. extremely
very, or much more than usual
3. still
to stand, stay, sit, etc. without moving


關鍵字詞: vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 | | |寒冷 | | |氣溫

