
有機食物 Organic Food

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 01/12/2015

Alice: 'Ben, you should prepare organic food for Monster!' Ben: 'Why?'Robin: 'It is healthier. See? Monster is fat like a ball!'Robin: 'It is good for the environment and tastes better!'Monster: 'Taste better? I want it!' Ben: 'Okay! Okay! Here you go!'Alice: 'You are so nice, Ben!' Ben: 'Producing organic food requires more skill, time and labour...'Ben: 'They are more expensive! You get no salary this week!'

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


Organic food refers to the food that is raised without artificial fertilizers or pesticides. They are free of antibiotics and growth hormones.

Organic farming is beneficial to the environment. It can make the soil more fertile and balance insect populations. It can also reduce pollution in the air, soil and water.

Organic food is more nutritious, safer to eat and better tasting. Organic food is grown, handled, and processed in a more environment-friendly way. But it requires more skill, time and labour to raise organic food, so it is more expensive!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. artificial
not natural, but made by people
2. pesticide
a chemical that is used to kill insects which damage plants
3. antibiotic
a medicine that cures infections by destroying harmful bacteria
4. beneficial
helpful or useful
5. nutritious
nutritious food contains substances that your body needs to stay healthy


關鍵字詞: 環境 |保育 |農業 |有機蔬菜 |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫

