
動物製衣 Animal Used for Clothing

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 19/03/2015

Monster: 'Robin, why are you so sad?'Robin: 'Many of my animal friends were killed.'Uncle Ben: 'Why? Who killed them?'Robin: 'People killed them and used their skins to make clothes.'Monster: 'That’s horrible! I hate those people!'Uncle Ben: 'We don’t need clothing that is made of animal skin!'

Story and comics created by CCFamily.


In winter, we see people wearing clothing that is made of leather, wool, or fur. Do you know what this means for the animals? Each year, billions of cute and friendly animals like cows, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, and hamsters are killed because people use their skins to make clothes.

These animals live in crowded and dirty conditions. They suffer and at last they are used to make clothing. We should stop this situation by not buying clothing that is made of animal skin. There are so many other alternatives. Don’t forget to spread this message to your family and friends!

Other than animal skin, do you know what materials can be used to make clothing?


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. leather
the skin of animals that is used to make things such as shoes and bags
2. suffer
to experience pain or unpleasant emotions
3. alternative
one of two or more things that you can choose between


關鍵字詞: vocabulary |environmental-friendly |English 英語 |保育 |動物 |生命教育 |漫畫

