標題: 科學傳意週:魔法數學科學劇暨「2017香港科學節」開幕典禮 Science Communication Week: The Magical Math and Science Show and the Opening Ceremony of HK SciFest 2017
內容: 美國資深科學傳意大師艾迪•高德斯坦結合奇幻的魔術和富娛樂性的雜耍,為大家作出一系列前所未見的數學科學示範。他更會帶領大家以科學思維去認識這些戲法背後的科學原理。 [語言:英語,提供粤語傳譯] Combining sleight of hand magic and entertaining juggling, the veteran US master in science communication, Eddie Goldstein brings you unique demonstrations on mathematics and science. You will practise scientific thinking and find out the scientific principles behind some of his magic tricks. [Language:English, with Cantonese interpretation]
主辦機構: 香港科學館 Hong Kong Science Museum
活動舉辦日期: 2017-02-18

開始報名日期: 2017-01-20 00:00
截止報名日期: 2017-02-17 23:59
