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From Player to Page Video Game Writing Competition (Individuals)

主辦機構 / 推薦機構: Cicero Group Limited

The From Player to Page English writing competition is BACK for 2023!

After the incredible success experienced in the competition last year, and with so much talent on display, we were really excited to launch the competition again for 2023.

With 3 writing categories (Review, Narrative and Script writing) and two age groups (Junior and Senior), the competition is the perfect opportunity for secondary students to practice their written compositions while having the chance to win great prizes intended to reinforce their love for English writing.

If you are looking for a competition to really ignite the passions of your students, then register your class in the From Player to Page competition today!


對象: 中學生|家長
費用: 150
活動形式: 比賽 / 計劃
程度: 中學

關鍵字詞:English|English Language|English Writing|Competition|Writing Competition

Mr Nick Chan

電話 98504764

電郵 info@cicero.com.hk

For other queries or enquiries, please call Ms Vicky Kwong on 98474764.