活動概覽 活動概覽


主辦機構 / 推薦機構: 香港伍倫貢學院

對象: 教師
費用: 免費
活動形式: 講座 / 工作坊
程度: 其他 - 大學
活動內容: 英國語文教育


CHoi yiu kuen

地址 UOW College Hong Kong, 1/F, Billionnaire Royale, 83 Sa Po Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong

電話 852 27073239

傳真 852 27073222

電郵 dcykcho@uow.edu.au

For application, please

please click on the following link or scan the QR code for registration.


Interested teachers, please click on the following link or scan the QR code for registration.



We look forward to sharing with your school the benefits of using advanced technology to enhance teaching and learning.