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農業生物技術講座系列(13)具有現代益處的古老食品:大豆食品對健康的影響概述(2021 年 11 月 3 日)

主辦機構 / 推薦機構: 香港種子技術及教育中心


Soyfoods have been consumed for centuries but over the past 30 years, they have been rigorously investigated for their nutritional and health attributes. In addition to providing protein similar in quality to animal protein and healthy fat, soyfoods are uniquely rich sources of isoflavones. Isoflavones have been posited to alleviate menopausal symptoms and to reduce risk of several chronic diseases including breast and prostate cancer, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

However, soyfoods are also controversial because their high isoflavone content has raised concerns these foods could cause harmful effects, such as feminizing men and worsening the prognosis of women with breast cancer. This presentation will critically evaluate the scientific literature relevant to the health effects of soy. Emphasis will be placed on the clinical and observational studies.

The target audience includes international scholars, researchers, agricultural industry as well as the general public.

Date: 3 November, 2021 (Wednesday)

19:30-21:00 (Hong Kong / Mainland China)
(1 hour talk and 30 mins Q&A)

Online via Zoom (Zoom link will be sent to registered participants by email on 1 November)

Speaker: Dr Mark Messina, Director, Nutrition Science and Research for the Soy Nutrition Institute Global; Co-owner, Nutrition Matters, Inc.; and Adjunct Associate Professor, Loma Linda University
Host: Prof Hon Ming Lam, Professor, School of Life Sciences, and Director of SKLA, AoE and SeedTEC, CUHK

Language: English

Registration deadline: 31 October 2021
Free admission, all are welcome.

Register now!

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