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環球青年領袖暑期學校 (證書課程)

主辦機構 / 推薦機構: 香港青年協會青年領袖發展中心有限公司

According to the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened existing inequalities and widened status of wealth gap against different groups, underlying income, health, racial and educational inequalities for many who are the poorest and most vulnerable groups in the community. 

How can young people serve and speak up for those who suffered from this global crisis where inequality issues are observed in the city? Join our 7-day intensive leadership summer programme to equip yourselves as future leaders with global vision and commitment to bring positive changes.

對象 Target : 20/21年度中四至中六學生 S.4-S.6 (Grade 10-12) students in the 20/21 academic year

Please Click Here for Details and Registration

對象: 中學生
費用: HK$5,600
活動形式: 課程
程度: 中學

電話 21690255