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[守護兒童]指引制訂 網上培訓系列

主辦機構 / 推薦機構: 香港救助兒童會有限公司

As your organisation adapts to the changing needs of communities, it's important that your child-safety efforts evolve as well.

Starting with a focus on key principles and risk management tools, we'll discuss practices that can help you reduce the risk of harm to children you work with. Whether you work in-person or online, on the front-line or behind the scenes, sign up now for one or all four sessions in the series! https://savethechildren.org.hk/en/child-safeguarding-webinar-registration/

*Webinars delivered in English

對象: 教師|家長|企業|其他 - Child-Facing Organisations
費用: $150
活動形式: 講座 / 工作坊
活動內容: 教師專業發展|其他

關鍵字詞:Child Safeguarding|Safety|School Management|Curriculum Planning and Teaching|New Normal in Learning and Teaching during and after COVID-19|Distance Teaching|Children|Online Teaching|Teacher Development|Safe Programming

Namrata Bindra

電話 21225638

電郵 hk.csgpartnerships@savethechildren.org