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English Writing Course 'Game2Learn'

主辦機構 / 推薦機構: Cicero Group Limited

Classes of 4-6 students will build their usable vocabulary, refine their written expression and develop effective techniques for the specific writing elements targeted in each course.

Diary and letter writing courses cultivate strong empathic writing skills through enquiry-led learning, using video game elements to enhance their compositional writing. Meanwhile, linear non-verbal narrative videogames improve students’ use of figurative and comparative language, enhancing their descriptive and narrative writing.

對象: 中學生
費用: 1,995.00
活動形式: 課程
程度: 中學
活動內容: 英國語文教育

關鍵字詞:English Writing|English Language|English learning

Ms. Vicky Kwong

地址 Cicero Group Limited, Office 2, 14 Floor, One Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay

電話 +852 98474764

電郵 info@cicero.com.hk