活動概覽 活動概覽


主辦機構 / 推薦機構: 香港房屋協會



Launched by the Housing Society, the online education portal entitled “HS e-Academy” 」(https://hsec.hkhs.com/e-academy/en) aims to provide housing related learning and teaching resources for primary and secondary schools, the content of the portal was developed in alignment with the General Studies curriculum for primary students and Liberal Studies curriculum for secondary students in consultation with the Education Bureau, which also serves as a free education channel for the general public.

“HS e-Academy” is composed of four parts: “General Studies’s Garden”, “Liberal Studies’s Station”, “Resources Centre” and “About Hong Kong Housing Society”.
費用: 免費
活動形式: 其他
程度: 小學|中學

關鍵字詞:房協|香港房屋協會|HKHS|Hong Kong Housing Society|房屋

Mr Fong Kwan Lam

電話 852 22178383

傳真 852 28956912

電郵 enquiry@hkhs.com