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聽覺言語治療暑期實習計劃 2020

主辦機構 / 推薦機構: 香港兒童啟迪協會 | 香港教育大學特殊學習需要與融合教育中心 (CSENIE)

Auditory-Verbal Therapy Summer Internship Program 2020
About the Program :
The Auditory-Verbal Therapy Volunteer Internship Program 2020 will help the freshman understand that Special Educational Needs (SEN) children have the opportunity to listen and speak. Children with SEN can grow to be equals alongside their peers. By Increasing expectations, implementing evidenced based therapy, and working with parents, outcomes for SEN children can improve. The desired goal is to increase awareness, understanding, and access to Auditory Verbal therapy. 
During the internship program , freshmen will practice therapy activities and strategies with families. By promoting this knowledge and expertise, other health and education professions will become aware of the benefits of this Listening and Spoken Language Specialty. More families can learn about Auditory Verbal Therapy. The program will be taught in both English and Cantonese
Learning Objectives :
- To learn different approaches of auditory verbal therapy
- To understand people with hearing and speech impairment
- To broaden the horizons, understand how the industry operates, and receive practicum opportunities
Recruiting :
- People aged between 17-35, college students or working people 
- Interested in auditory verbal therapy
- First priority for people with related experience in auditory-verbal therapy, speech therapy, or interacting with children with special needs
Contact for more info
info@sld2000.com; or
info@pbsa.asia; or
avcc@avcclisten.com; or
Program Secretarial Office : +852 81022389  or Whatspp +852 54442939
Successful applicants will be notified by email or whatsapp on or before July 6th 2020.


對象: 教師|中學生|家長|其他 - 大學生
費用: 免費
程度: 中學|特殊學校|其他 - 大學
活動內容: 特殊教育需要|其他



地址 北角英皇道389號6字樓

電話 +852 81022389

傳真 +852 30108560

電郵 info@sld2000.com

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