The Deadly Mosquito

(TED) A common flying insect is hated for its itchy bite and the diseases it carries.
  • 1What's the worst bug on the planet?
  • 2You might vote for the horsefly or perhaps the wasp,...
  • 3...but for many people, the worst offender is by far the mosquito.
  • 4The buzzing, the biting, the itching.
  • 5The mosquito is one of the most commonly detested pests in the world.
  • 6But it's not just that mosquitoes are annoying.
  • 7They're also deadly.
  • 8Mosquitoes can transmit everything from malaria to yellow fever,...
  • West Nile virus to dengue.
  • 10Over a million people worldwide die every year from mosquito-borne diseases.
  • 11And that's just people.
  • 12Horses, dogs, cats, they can all get diseases from mosquitoes too.
  • 13So if these bugs are so dastardly, why don't we just get rid of them.
  • 14We are humans after all and we're pretty good at getting rid of species.
  • 15Well, it's not quite so simple.
  • 16Getting rid of the mosquito removes a food source for lots of organisms,...
  • frogs and fish and birds.
  • 18Without them, plants will lose a pollener.
  • 19But some scientists say that mosquitoes aren't actually all that important.
  • 20If we got rid of them, they argue, another species would simply take their place.
  • 21And we'd probably have far fewer deaths from malaria.
  • 22The problem is that nobody knows what would happen if we killed off all the mosquitoes.
  • 23Something better might take their spot or perhaps something even worse.
  • 24The question is, are we willing to take that risk?