Are You a Mosquito Magnet?

Find out why mosquitoes are more attracted to some people than others.
  • 1Sorry everyone, there's science here and you're not gonna like it.
  • 2Some people are much more attractive to those annoying flying little [a small insect that sucks blood],...
  • 3...and a lot of it [to have as the most important part] carbon dioxide.
  • 4Some people actually give off more CO2 than others and [a small insect that sucks blood] are huge fans.
  • 5In fact, female [a small insect that sucks blood] have nerve cells with special receptors just to [to discover or notice something] CO2.
  • 6Larger people, hyperactive people and people who have just exercised...
  • 7...all give off more CO2 than average.
  • 8Unfortunately, it's not just CO2 to blame.
  • 9Research has shown [a small insect that sucks blood] also really [to like or admire someone or something] type O blood.
  • 10They're [in a way that is important or noticeable] more likely to land on them as people with type A blood.
  • 11So, the idea that some people have sweet blood...
  • 12...may actually not be that far off.