What Happens If You Get the Coronavirus

Learn what a coronavirus is and how your body reacts to it.
  • 1 Coronaviradae are actually an entire family of viruses...
  • 2...that cause disease in mammals and birds.
  • 3SARS for example was also a coronavirus.
  • 4Now, viruses are interesting...
  • 5...in that they are sometimes considered both living and nonliving things.
  • 6They aren't made of cells, but they do have the ability to replicate,...
  • 7...just in a different way than other organisms.
  • 8Oh, and they're actually much, much smaller than cells.
  • 9Now, to contract the coronavirus,...
  • 10...you first have to come in contact with it,...
  • 11...either through an infected person's respiratory secretions...
  • 12...so a cough or a sneeze, through physical contact with them...
  • 13...or by physically touching a surface that the virus is on...
  • 14...and then touching somewhere like your nose or your mouth before washing your hands.
  • 15In the case of the coronavirus,...
  • 16...these symptoms include headaches, runny nose, coughing, sore throat and fever,...
  • 17...which is part of the reason why it's been so hard to track and understand...
  • 18...because those are common symptoms, we feel those all the time, specially during flu season...
  • 19...or just from getting the common cold.
  • 20Medical professionals would need to do laboratory tests on respiratory specimens...
  • 21...as well as blood work and blood tests...
  • 22...to understand if your symptoms are coming from the Wuhan coronavirus.
  • 23In a healthy individual,...
  • 24...the immune system will eventually realize that there's a foreign agent inside your body...
  • 25...and mount an attack.
  • 26The immune system is incredibly complex with a plethora of different mechanisms...
  • 27...to take down your invaders.
  • 28Your temperature increases which helps your immune system function better...
  • 29...and actually makes it a more hostile environment for the virus.
  • 30You might create more snot and phlegm,...
  • 31...which make it harder for the virus to attach to your cells...
  • 32...and also help to get rid of dead viruses and immune cells.
  • 33You may feel weak and tired as your body starts to prioritize fighting off this virus...
  • 34...instead of doing your regular day-to-day activities.
  • 35And your bones may actually feel sore and ache...
  • 36...and that's because they're actually making more white blood cells.