The Power of Drama in Teaching and Learning

Have you ever felt the power of drama in students’ learning? Integrating drama into English curriculum has been a trend and many researches have shown that learning English through drama has a positive impact on students’ learning motivation.

Many English teachers believe that students can learn English informally and naturally through drama. Students generally respond positively to learning through engaging in drama activities. During the learning process, students have the opportunities to develop their creativity, imagination as well as teamwork.

Here are some reflections of students who have been engaged in drama activities to learn English:

I love having drama in my English lessons very much because I think drama gives me fun and delight.

After these lessons, I have improved a lot. I have become better in speaking English and acting in front of the class.

In one of the lessons, Sabrina and I had to help our group to write a script. We worked together and both of us had more chances to write English. That was a good experience for us.

Apart from students, many teachers also believe drama is beneficial to learning English, let us see how they value drama in teaching and learning:

Drama also helps develop students' confidence in using English with the help of body language and facial expression.

It also involves a lot of student participation and students can learn the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing at the same time.

Materials for Teaching Drama

Choosing a Story

The first thing we need for teaching drama is a story. Existing stories can be easily adapted to cater for the diverse language abilities of students, for example, Aesop's Fables found in Aesop's Fables Online Collection.

Writing a Story

You can encourage students with higher language ability to create their own stories or rewrite a new ending to famous stories. These resources teach students the skills to write their stories in a logical way:

Composing a Script

Turning a story into a piece of script is not an easy task. Some reference articles for you:

Theatre Games

Theatre games can bring magic to students. They activate their imagination and engage them in learning. Here are some good theatre games:

Finally, here are some tips for using drama techniques.

We hope you find these resources useful!