Does Grammar Matter?

(TED) Find out why there's an ongoing debate about how language is used.
  • 1You're telling a friend an amazing story and you just get to the best part...
  • 2...when suddenly, he interrupts, "The alien and I, not me and the alien."
  • 3Most of us would probably be annoyed,...
  • 4...but aside from the rude interruption, does your friend have a point?
  • 5Was your sentence actually grammatically incorrect?
  • 6And if he still understood it, why does it even matter?
  • 7From the point of view of linguistics,...
  • 8...grammar is a set of patterns for how words are put together...
  • form phrases or clauses, whether spoken or in writing.
  • 10Different languages have different patterns.
  • 11In English, the subject normally comes first,...
  • 12...followed by the verb and then the object.
  • 13While in Japanese and many other languages,...
  • 14...the order is subject, object, verb.
  • 15Some scholars have tried to identify patterns common to all languages,...
  • 16...but apart from some basic features, like having nouns or verbs,...
  • 17...few of these so-called "linguistic universals" have been found.
  • 18And while any language needs consistent patterns to function,...
  • 19...the study of these patterns opens up an ongoing debate...
  • 20...between two positions known as prescriptivism and deprescriptivism.
  • 21Grossly simplified, prescriptivists think a given language...
  • 22...should follow consistent rules, while descriptivists see variation...
  • 23...and adaptation as a natural and necessary part of language