Why Do I Have to Sleep?

This video talks about what the body does during sleep and the reasons why it is a good thing.
  • 1It's time for us to go to bed now.
  • 2Oh! Why do I have to go to bed now?
  • 3To go to sleep, of course.
  • 4But why do I have to go to sleep?
  • 5You don't really do anything when you're asleep, do you?
  • 6You do, actually.
  • 7And sleeping is important for everybody.
  • 8Why is it important to sleep?
  • 9Well, for a few reasons.
  • 10When you're asleep, your brain helps to sort out different things you've been doing;...
  • 11...thinking and learning during the day.
  • 12My brain does all of that when I'm asleep?
  • 13Yes, it does!
  • 14And you do even more things than that when you're asleep.
  • 15What else do I do?
  • 16Well, your body gets tired during the day,...
  • 17...and it needs time to slow down and have a rest,...
  • 18...so that you'll be ready for the next day.
  • 19Even your breathing slows down and has to rest while you're sleeping.
  • 20Oh! But what if I don't feel tired?
  • 21Do I still need to go to sleep then?
  • 22Oh yes! All people, and especially children, need to go to sleep every night.
  • 23And what would happen if I stay there all night tonight?
  • 24All night the next night, all night the next night, and all night!
  • 25Well, you will get too tired to play, too tired to learn new things, you might get sick,...
  • 26...and you would certainly get cross and cranky.
  • 27So, even if I'm not tired now, I'd better go to sleep.
  • 28Yes, you better.
  • 29Then your body will have enough energy for tomorrow,...
  • 30...for thinking, playing, laughing, eating, running and growing.
  • 31Well, let's go then.
  • 32Race you to the bedroom!
  • 33Beat you!
  • 34Good night