Why Elephants Never Forget 1

Elephants are not only known for their huge size but also for their impressive memory.

  • 1Unlike many proverbs, the one about elephant memory is scientifically accurate.
  • 2Elephants know every member in their herd,...
  • 3...able to recognize as many as 30 companions by sight or smell.
  • 4This is a great help when migrating...
  • 5...or encountering other potentially hostile elephants.
  • 6They also remember and distinguish particular cues that signal danger...
  • 7...and can recall important locations long after their last visit.
  • 8But it's the memories unrelated to survival that are the most fascinating.
  • 9Elephants remember not only their herd companions...
  • 10...but other creatures who have made a strong impression on them.
  • 11In one case, two circus elephants that had briefly performed together...
  • 12...rejoiced when crossing paths 23 years later.
  • 13This recognition isn't limited to others of their species.
  • 14Elephants have also recognized humans they've bonded with after decades apart.
  • 15All of this shows that elephant memory goes beyond responses to stimuli