The Oxford Comma Debate 1

A man explains why major language institutions still can't agree on whether the Oxford comma should be used.
  • 1Say you're helping plan a friend's party,...
  • 2...and he sends you a text asking you to bring Bob, a DJ and a clown.
  • 3You're pretty impressed.
  • 4You had no idea Bob was so multitalented.
  • 5But when the day arrives, it turns out that he's not,...
  • 6...and you were supposed to bring three different people.
  • 7As you and Bob sit at the silent, clownless party,...
  • occurs to you that the confusion could've been avoided...
  • 9...simply by using another comma after DJ.
  • 10This final comma in a list,...
  • 11...placed directly before the main conjunction, such as "and", "or" or "nor",...
  • called the serial comma or Oxford comma.
  • 13And it has long driven grammar nerds crazy...
  • 14...because even major language institutions can't agree on whether it should be used.
  • 15Ironically, the Oxford comma is more common in the United States,...
  • 16...where it's recommended by the MLA, the Chicago Style Manual...
  • 17...and the US Government Printing Office, though not by the AP Stylebook.
  • 18In the UK and other English-speaking countries,...
  • 19...most style guides do not support the comma's use,...
  • 20...with the exception of its namesake: the Oxford University Press.
  • 21Why not use the serial comma?
  • 22One of the main arguments...
  • that the conjunction is usually enough to denote a separate entity.
  • 24And where it's not, like in your ill-fated invite list,...
  • 25...changing the order of terms will usually do the job.
  • 26Journalists also dislike the comma...
  • 27...because it takes up precious space and can make text look cluttered.
  • 28Sometimes it can even create confusion of its own.
  • 29For example, if your friend had asked for Bob, a DJ and a puppy,...
  •'d probably figure out that they're three separate beings.
  • 31Puppies are cute but they don't make great DJs.
  • 32With the comma, you may think Bob is the DJ...
  • 33...and all you need is him and a puppy