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Genre Comedy, Drama
Director David O Russell
Cast Jennifer Lawrence, Robert de Niro, Bradley Cooper
  • Release Date 31/12/2015
  • Category IIA
  • Duration 124 mins
  • Country The USA
Joy is directed and written by David O Russell from a story by Annie Mumolo and David O. Russell. Based loosely on the life and rise of inventor and home shopping star Joy Mangano, the genre-blurring story follows the wild path of a hard-working but half-broken family and the young girl who ultimately becomes its shining matriarch and leader in her own right.

Driven to create, but also to take care of people around her, Joy experiences betrayal, treachery, the loss of innocence and the scars of love as she finds the steel and the belief to follow her once-suppressed dreams.

This film is an emotional and human comedy about a woman’s rise – navigating the unforgiving world of commerce, the chaos of family and the mysteries of inspiration while finding an unyielding source of happiness.

It’s not just the story of Joy. It’s about family, imagination, faith in yourself, about the ruthlessness of success and what it means when you find it.


  • Joy


    A lot of Joy’s confusion about how to go after what she wants is wrapped up in how to keep her close-knit yet crazy-making family going at the same time. Though they drive her mad in a million different ways, her sense of responsibility to them never wavers.

  • Rudy


    Joy’s father, a working-class garage owner with a fearsome temper yet the heart of a hopeless romantic. Part of what Joy has to overcome is her father’s frustrating ability to pull her focus away from her dreams.

  • Tony


    Joy’s ex-husband is literally the man beneath her feet – he is still living in her basement even though they are divorced. He is a passionate, would-be Latin singer.