‘Gainful Use of Territory-wide System Assessment 2021 Materials’ STAR Online Mode
Confirm Assessment Administration Coordinator Details

選用「善用2021 年全港性系統評估材料」STAR網上模式的學校,須委派統籌老師負責統籌校內參與及分享報告予校內相關教師。詳情請按此

Schools opting for ‘Gainful Use of TSA 2021 Materials’ STAR Online Mode should assign an Assessment Administration Coordinator to coordinate participation within the school and share reports to the related teachers within the school. Please click here for details

Please complete this online form to confirm the Assessment Administration Coordinator’s EdCity teacher account details.

  1. 請於 2021年6月18日 或以前,以香港教育城(教城)校本教師帳戶登入並填妥此網上表格,以確認統籌老師的教城教師帳戶資料。
    Please log in and complete this online form on or before 18 June 2021 with a Hong Kong Education City (EdCity) school-based teacher account, so as confirm the Assessment Administration Coordinator’s EdCity teacher account details.
  2. 此表格須由「善用2021年系統評估材料」參加回條上註明之統籌老師填寫。
    This form must be completed by the Assessment Administration Coordinator as specified on the reply slip of ‘Gainful Use of TSA 2021 Materials’.
  3. 統籌老師遞交此表格後,即可於相應級別的評估時段完結後10個工作天接收及分享學生報告。
    Upon submission of this form, the Assessment Administration Coordinator can receive and share student reports after 10 working days upon the completion of the assessment period of the corresponding class levels.
  4. 如有查詢,歡迎致電 2624 1000 或電郵至 info@edcity.hk 與教城聯絡。
    For enquiries, please contact EdCity on 2624 1000 or info@edcity.hk.

報名開始日期: 2021-05-10
報名截止日期: 2022-06-21