The Synchronized Thinking

The Synchronized Thinking
In this book, the author tries to formulate a new way of communication – the Synchronized Thinking. The main idea of it is to find out an easier approach to understand and explain the things happening in this twenty-first century and the mechanism of the origin.
The book is divided into three main portions:
1.      The Five Elements of Human Beings
2.      The Four Dimensional Thinking Theory
3.      The Resources – Innovation – Communication (RIC) Model
Not only Capitalism and Globalization, but also the possible future stages of human civilizations would be illustrated in the book.
跟 Alex 侃侃而談,才發現他所學所長看似專業獨門,其實精髓在於「雜」。中學選理科,入讀香港大學卻選了社工系;然而最後並沒學以致用投身社工行列,反而轉攻工商管理學。在職其間在商界南征北戰,最後再考的學歷卻是 I.T. 資訊管理。本來履歷已非常多變,但他出版的幾本書籍,卻是融入哲學、心理學、神經學及認知科學的「四維思考」研究。問他曾否受過該學科的正規學院訓練,他不無驕傲地說:「沒有。不過我初中已讀了大量哲學書籍,可說是無師自通。」現在花大量時間研究的「四維思考」,是他飽覽群書後的心得,透過研究去了解人類的思考模式在這個全球化社會、甚至「後全球化社會」下的演變;同時也希望了解少數天才從「三維思考」跳躍到「四維思考」的突變。

別以為他一開始已志願寫書;他的著作系列除了「四維思考」外,還包括貿易、資訊管理、中國經濟觀及CEPA細則;而他的創作生涯原來始於工作。「當時在消費者委員會工作,需要運用在職的專業意見來撰寫文章;後來跟不同業界的人士合輯書籍,那就是第一次出書。」第二次則獲得同事兼朋友的邀請,同樣因為其專業意見而合著CEPA書。其後也因為機緣巧合而繼續著書立說,由公開商界經驗,到後來分享自己的哲學心頭好,幾個年頭已出版了4, 5 本書籍了。


Alex Chan is the author of Four Dimensional Thinking as well as five other books. He worked as an IT specialist and a general manager of IT firm for the last five years. He is now a Business Development Manager of an IT company in Hong Kong.

Alex Chan graduated from University of Hong Kong (BSW), University of Leicester (MBA) and University of Staffordshire (PGD).
i. Preface

ii. Highlight

A. Introduction


2.The Origin of Philosophy in East and West

B. The Five Elements of Human Beings

3. Truth

4. Kindness

5. Beauty

6. Innovation

7. Destruction

C. The Four Dimensional Thinking Theory

8. The Introduction to Four Dimensional Thinking

9. The Four Dimensional Thinking Theory

a) The One-Dimensional Thinking

b) The Two-Dimensional Thinking

c) The Three-Dimensional Thinking

d) The Four-Dimensional Thinking

10. The Mechanism

11. Illustrations and Implications towards Philosophy

D. The Resources-Innovation-Communication (RIC) Model

12. Introduction to RIC Model

13. The RIC Model

a) Resources Factor

b) Innovation Factor

c) Communication Factor

d) RIC Cycle

14. The Application of RIC Model

E. The Relationship between Five Elements of Human Beings and the Four Dimensional Thinking Theory

15. Assumption One ・Element and Dimension

16. Assumption Two ・The Typical Western Thinking

17. Assumption Three ・The Typical Chinese Thinking

F. A Philosophy for Intercultural Communication

18. Synchronized Thinking泡 New Way of

Philosophy is the origin of all knowledge, which includes natural science, social science, literature and arts. The developments of human civilizations are also linked to the emergence and evolution of different schools of philosophy. One good example is the Age of Wisdom. Those philosophies in the well-known Wisdom Age of the ancient civilizations of Greek, Egypt, India, China and Mesopotamia are still affecting our daily life.

On the other hand, the emergence of the Age of Technology has a great impact towards the whole human civilizations when Internet and other information technology products become much common.

After the Age of Renaissances, a lot of bright philosophers appeared in the European countries, for example: Francis Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, Rousseau, Voltaire, Friedrich Nietzsche and Hegel. All of them gave a lot of contributions towards the human development and civilizations in the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Modernism, Existentialism, Post-Modernism, Structuralism, De-structuralism and Symbolism as well as Neo-Protectionism became the dominant philosophies in the twentieth century.

The development and expansion of Capitalism via Globalization and technology made the world closer than before. Nowadays, it is hard to divide city A from city B in terms of civilization perspectives, especially in United State of America.

In this book, the author tried to formulate a new way of communication - the Synchronized Thinking. The main idea of it is to find out an easier approach to understand and explain the things happening in this twenty-first century and the mechanism of the origin.

The book is divided into three main portions:

1. The Five Elements of Human Beings

2. The Four Dimensional Thinking Theory

3. The Resources-Innovation-Communication (RIC) Model

Not only Capitalism and Globalization, but also the possible future stages of human civilizations would be illustrated in the book.

關鍵字詞: Thinkings|Communication Model|Capitalism|Globalization




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