
唔係的話我跟你姓 Eat My Hat!

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 08/04/2015

Rabbit: 'Where is Monster? The movie will start soon.'Uncle Ben: 'I'm sure he will be late. He is always slow.'Alice: 'I agree. I will eat my hat if he arrives on time.'Monster: 'What? What do you have to eat?' 
Rabbit: 'Oh, Monster, you are here!'Alice: 'I said I would eat my hat. Do you want it?'Monster (drooling): 'Eat your hat? Is that yummy?'

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


“Eat my hat” is an idiom. It doesn’t mean we are really eating our hats. We say that when we don't believe something will happen. It shows our confidence in a particular outcome.


1. He is always late. If he arrives on time today, I will eat my hat.

2. They are such a strong team. I will eat my hat if we can beat them.

3. I'm sure about this. If I am wrong, I will eat my hat.


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. believe
to think that something is true, or that what someone says is true
2. confidence
a feeling of being certain of your ability to do things well
3. outcome
the final result of an activity or process


關鍵字詞: politeness |idioms |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |社交禮儀


