
計劃衰咗! Blow Up in Your Face

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 18/03/2016

Ben looked at his savings and sighed. Rabbit asked: 'What's wrong with you, Ben?'Ben: 'My plan to open a new coffee shop blew up in my face.'Monster took a deep breathe and blown the air to Ben's face rudely. Rabbit said: 'Oh no...'Ben shouted angrily: 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!' Monster replied: 'I want to help blowing up your face.'Rabbit explained: 'Blow up in your face means things go wrong and fail!' Monster says: 'Oh sorry... your plan failed?'Monster tried to comfort Ben: 'It's ok! You still have me - your best staff!' Ben was still angry: 'JUST SHUT UP IF YOU WANT TO HELP!!'

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


If your plans blow up in your face, they do not happen as you expect and cause a lot of problems. When you are working on a plan or a project, and if it suddenly goes wrong or fails, we also say "it blows up in your face." The phrase usually refers to a situation in which things get ruined while someone is working on it.

Things don't always go smooth in our life. We have to learn to accept failure and disappointment. But we should never give up! As long as we keep on trying, no matter how hard it is, we will succeed one day!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. ruin
to spoil or destroy something
2. failure
a situation in which someone or something fails
3. succeed
to achieve what you are trying to achieve


關鍵字詞: idioms |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫