
蝴蝶 Butterflies

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 02/02/2016

Robin: 'I love nature! I love butterflies!'Uncle Ben: 'Haha! Do you know how butterflies taste food?'Robin: 'I don’t know! Show me!' Uncle Ben: 'Give me your sandwich!'Uncle Ben step on the sandwich. Robin (exclaimed): 'MY LUNCH!'Rabbit: 'Robin, butterflies taste food by standing on top of it.' Uncle Ben (laughing loudly): 'HAHAHAHA!'Monster (stepping on the sandwich): 'Why can’t I taste anything?'

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


Do you like butterflies? Do you know that butterflies taste food by standing on top of it? Their taste receptors are on the soles of their feet, unlike us with most on our tongues.

Butterflies can communicate with each other by color, chemicals, sound, and physical actions. They have brains and hearts like other insects. A butterfly has an average adult life span of 2 weeks or less. But no adult butterfly can live more than a year. Butterflies are beautiful, but keep in mind that some of them are poisonous!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. receptor
a ​nerve ​ending that ​reacts to a ​change, such as ​heat or ​cold, in the ​body by ​sending a ​message to the ​central ​nervous ​system
2. average
an average amount is calculated by adding some amounts together and then dividing by the number of amounts
3. poisonous
containing a substance that can make you sick or kill you if you eat or drink it


關鍵字詞: Butterfly |taste |animals |insects |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫

